How Simple Can It Get? Folding an Origami Elephant
This origami elephant was designed specifically for folding with leather—rather than paper,
This origami elephant was designed specifically for folding with leather—rather than paper,
The Hannya mask (般若の面) is used in Noh performances to portray the kijo (鬼女), or "demon woman.
Kamiori Doll series is a continuous exploration of pushing the boundaries of origami as a technique by expressing the organic and three-dimensional form of the ...
Kamiori Doll Bronze2024Origami Paper, Acrylic Paint10cm×18cm×10cm
Origami Octopus2024Kraft Paper18cm×10cm×18cm
Origami Table Lamp2021Kraft Paper13cm×13cm×5cm
Origami Mask -Blue-2023Hi-Pika Paper, Acrylic Paint15cm×25cm×15cm
Origami Plant -Pineapple-2024Kraft Paper, Acrylic Paint15cm×30cm×15cm
KAMIORI-STUDIO Icon (BW)Dedigned by Tomoaki Hamanaka2023 Site Logo (Japanese/English) Icon + Logo Icon (Color)
Kamiori Doll -Gold-2023Origami Paper, Acrylic Paint10cm×18cm×5cm